About us

3D Infrastructure for the Internet

Furniture Industry


colormass stands as an innovative company leading the charge in reshaping the 3D landscape with cutting-edge technological advancements. colormass was founded in 2016, and it aims to transform the 3D industry by establishing a photorealistic, cloud-based 3D infrastructure.

Early days

Balint and Tas were the founding members of a high-tech spin-off company from Humboldt University of Berlin. They translated cutting-edge research in 3D reconstruction into practical application. This marked the inception of the research and development journey toward a novel 3D technologies. Recognizing its innovation, the founders received EXIST funding from BMWi Germany. Following the success of the translation of the 3D research colormass was founded in 2016.

In 2017 colormass was selected to compete in the most prestigious startup competition, TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco (the “world championship” of young companies), as one of the six most innovative startups out of 2000 applicants. With this colormass has joined the ranks of Dropbox, Yammer, Mint, Cloudflare, etc. who have also pitched on the TechCrunch Disrupt Stage. colormass was also awarded the german Innovationspreis for its outstanding technology.

Through the prototyping efforts and its first introduction to customers colormass technology is now regarded as the best 3D digitization and infrastructure technology by two industry leaders Designtex (a Steelcase brand) and Maharam (a MillerKnoll brand).

"Colormass is an industry leader in material capture, 3D rendering and visualization technology with hardware and software solutions that allow us to accurately and beautifully represent our product catalog online."

Claire Mann
Director of Digital Products and Strategy


Since it's inception, colormass has been growing 30-50% each year, making it one of the fastest and most consistently growing 3D technology company in the world.

During our growth the most outstanding technical minds in the 3D industry have joined our team. A few examples:

  • Dr. Tobias Nöll and Dr. Johannes Köhler:  Before joining colormass, they served as Senior Researchers at the new ZEISS Innovation Hub in Karlsruhe (@KIT), where they specialized in 3D digitization for over six years. Additionally, they were honored as the recipient of the Google Research Award.
  • Lennert Schneider: He was part of the core development team of Crytek (creator of CryEngine: the render engine that was bought by Amazon for $50-$70 million).
  • Ziga Bostner: During his time at Zuse Institute Berlin (Department of Visual Data Analysis) he was a main contributor of Amira, a software package for visualization, analysis and processing of 3D data.
  • Roman Priebe: He holds a PhD in Quantum Information Technology from the University of Oxford.
  • Matt Hughes: Prior to joining colormass he was the System Architect for Line 6 (Yamaha) products.

Industry Leader

Since its growth colormass has achieved and proved its technology can support the biggest brands in the world.

All the images you see on the Herman Miller UK store are almost entirely produced by the colormass Rendering Platform. Both Designtex and Maharam digitizes thousands of fabrics each year with the colormass PBR Scanner that we built on site in Portland Maine and New York and they use the digitized products in thousands of images and thousands of configurator deployments. Darran has transitioned their entire pdf catalog to the colormass digital catalog for both user product configuration and internal use. VADO has replaced their VIV technology, developed over approximately five years, with the colormass 3D ecosystem. Both OFS and Carolina have based their entire product libraries on the colormass platform, which syncs with their CET planning software. From the outset of their 3D exploration, colormass has provided Storkcraft with 3D infrastructure, supporting their growth while their revenue increased multifold thanks to the efficiency of the colormass platform. These are just excerpts of some of the successes we had in the past and we hope that soon you will join the growing number of transformations and experience a new generation of 3D in the cloud.

"It is clear to me that this technology will soon be considered standard. It has been a pleasure working with colormass – a company truly invested in both innovation and service."

Aaron Kennedy
Senior Graphic Designer